Saturday, May 30, 2015

final post

I am not sure what to talk about today.  What can I say in my final post? I can’t complain that much  because I feel like I got things under control this week.  We only have two weeks of school, and I have several projects due but after going through my comprehensive exam I feel like things are much lighter.  I had time to take a small break and take my daughter out on a mommy daughter date.  Somehow I feel like I am going to miss the blog.  I know it’s extra work, but it was always great to come back and read messages from my classmates.  I think I may continue blogging in the future, but I wonder if anyone will read what I have to say.  

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  1. I think we should all keep our blogs. I would read it. We would probably have more time to blog and read as we will not be busy with work and school. Why not start a pledge to keep the blogs going. I pledge to keep mine.

  2. What a day!

    It's already starting. I have so much to complete ... but they're more of the small details that I told myself I would try and complete while working on my projects simultaneously and somehow ... well, that fell through the crack because I was just trying to get where I am today. And I'm not saying we are ready!! This is the scary and challenging part for me. I panic sometimes and not in a good way. I am deprived of sleep, I'll wake up early if I have to ... like now ... but by mid-day, I am exhausted!

    Well, here's to all of us ... with an imaginary drink in our hand raised in the air ... don't drink it ... don't drink it yet, we're not done!! :-/

    Good luck with everything and as an old friend used to tell me: "May the force be with you".
